Representation is essential to promoting graduate student interests and communicating with the greater community.
The council provides representatives to campus-wide committees to promote these interests, in addition to developing internal committees to focus on specific areas. Often the council serves on these committees, however students outside the council are encouraged to participate as well. Committee work is awarded a quarterly stipend of $100; some committees with extensive time commitments are awarded a greater stipend. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please email
Representatives are nominated by the President or VP Shared Governance to serve for one academic year, unless otherwise stated. Requests for representation must be sent each academic year, unless the term has been stated in advance. Please see Requesting Representation for more information.
Recruiting Committee Details:
Subcommittee on Graduate Committee Rep Stipends, x3 Representatives ($100 stipend total)
Meeting Time: 2-3 one hour meetings
A subcommittee tasked with re-evaluating stipends for representatives of recurring committees. This will consist of reviewing the time commitment of individual committees, determining what an appropriate stipend would be (and what the format is), and preparing language for a constitutional amendment.
Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT), x1 representative positions open
Meeting time: Varies depending on subcommittee
The charge of the CCRT is to oversee a collaborative approach to preventing and addressing sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. The CCRT serves in an advisory capacity to campus leadership and community members about best practices in policies, education, prevention, and response to these kinds of incidents.
Graduate Council
Meeting time: Biweekly, Thursdays 2-4 pm
The Graduate Council sets policies and procedures on behalf of the Santa Cruz Division on matters pertaining to all graduate academic and professional programs, such as approving changes to existing programs and proposals for new programs.
Committee Information:
Student Fee Advisory Committee*, x1 more representatives
Meeting time: Weekly, Mondays 2:30-4 pm
In general, the purpose and objectives of the committee are:
- To assist the Vice Provost for Student Success (VPSS) in efforts to determine attitudes of the student body on matters pertaining to student fees
- To provide a continuing study of programs supported by the Student Services Fee, Student Programs Fee, and/or selected programs supported by Miscellaneous Fees, and to recommend funding priorities to the VPSS; and
- To advise the VPSS on other questions regarding campus-based student services and programs and campus-based student academic support.
*Note: this is a two-year appointment
Colleges, Housing, and Education Services (CHES) Rates, Recharges, and Fees Committee
Meeting time: January – March, 3-4 meetings total
Our representative will provide student input and perspective to the committee. Stipend of $250 included. More information coming soon.
Child Care and Family Services Advisory Committee*
Meeting time: Once per month, with additional reading and assignments
This is a new committee the EVC is forming to ensure that family and child care needs are being met. To begin, they will be charged with monitoring the progress of the Early Education Center that will be built as a part of the new Family Student Housing. The charge for this committee will include:
- Assuring that access policies and campus communications are in place in time for the opening of the new Early Education Center.
- Developing assessments for evaluation of the Early Education service provider.
- Developing Request for Proposal (RFP) evaluation criteria prior to the expiration of the contract with the service provider.
- Advocating for family services for our faculty, staff and students.
- Preparing a report on family support issues facing members of our campus community and recommendations for addressing the most critical needs.
Historic District and Campus Gateway Visioning and Advisory Task Force
Meeting Time: 6-9 meetings from April 2019 – January 2020
– If meeting over summer, a stipend will be provided for that time as well.
A task force to assist in developing a vision focused on the historic district and campus gateway. This will take into account the broader south campus context in considering the historic district. The task force would build upon the foundation of the planning for the Granary and Stone House buildings. It will expand the planning to include the all buildings in the district, including those in current use: Theater Barn (former Horse Barn), Cookhouse, Cooperage and associated kilns, Worker Cabins, Hay Barn, Blacksmith Shop, Powder House, Entry Gate and Landscaping, the Cardiff House (former Ranch House), Barn G, Barn H, and Carriage House.
(Note from Katie: the draft charge makes this role sound pretty interesting. It will involve touring locations, meeting with focus groups, and delving into the history of the UCSC campus.)
2019 Chancellor’s Achievement Awards for Diversity Selection Committee, x2 representatives
Meeting Time: April 30th, 10-11:30, May 2, 1-2:30, and May 6 9-10am, plus several hours of reading before the first meeting commences
Committee will review nominations submitted for the Chancellor’s Achievement Awards for Diversity and make selections before the June 3rd event.
The GSA currently has one internal committees:
- International Graduate Student Committee (coordinated by the International Graduate Student Committee Chair)