2019-2020 Representatives:
Note: This may be an incomplete or inaccurate list of departments. It has been pulled from the Graduate Division’s website, and may not reflect recent changes in academic divisions’ structures.
Department/Program | Representative |
Anthropology | |
Applied Economics & Finance | |
Applied Mathematics | |
Astronomy & Astrophysics | Rachel Bowens-Rubin |
Biomedical Science & Engineering | |
Biomolecular Engineering & Bioinformatics (BMEB) | |
Chemical Biology, Biochemistry, & Biophysics (CB3) | |
Chemistry & Biochemistry | |
Coastal Science & Policy | |
Compuational Media | Jared Petit |
Computer Engineering | |
Computer Science | Val Purohit |
Digital Arts & New Media | Michael Becker |
Earth & Planetary Sciences | Brynna Downey |
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology | Julia Gardner Harencar |
Economics | |
Education | Kylie Kenner |
Electrical Engineering | |
Environmental Studies | |
Feminist Studies | |
Film & Digital Media | |
Games & Playable Media | |
History | |
History of Consciousness | |
Latin American & Latino Studies | Mario Gomez |
Linguistics | |
Literature | Angie Sijun Lou |
Mathematics | |
Microbial Biology & Pathogenesis (MICRO) | |
Microbiology & Environmental Toxicology | |
Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology | Francisco Mendez Diaz |
Music | |
Ocean Sciences | |
Philosophy | Emily Robertson |
Physics | David Laubner |
Politics | Sasha Wasserman |
Program in Biomedical Science & Engineering | |
Psychology | Audrey Morrow |
Science Communication | |
Scientific Computing & Applied Mathematics | |
Serious Games | |
Social Documentation | |
Sociology | James Sirigotis |
Statistics | |
Technology & Information Management | |
Theater Arts | |
Visual Studies | Madison Treece |